Prof. Dr. Daniela Schwarzer is a member of the Bertelsmann Stiftung Executive Board. She was director of DGAP from November 2016 to April 2021.

Daniela Schwarzer is a leading expert on European and international affairs and has had a 20-year career at renowned think tanks, foundations and universities.

She is regularly consulted as an expert and policy advisor. She is a member of the working group convened in 2023 by the French and German governments on reforming the EU and, from 2020 to 2022, served as special advisor to the High Representative and Vice-President of the European Commission Josep Borrell. She also advised France and Poland during their respective EU presidencies and was a consultant to the French prime minister’s Centre dʼAnalyse Stratégique. She is a member of the supervisory boards of BNP Paribas and Covivio, a member of the advisory board of the Jacques Delors Institute/Center, Paris/Berlin, and a Council member of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). In 2017, she was inducted into the French Legion of Honor.

[Last updated: June 2023]


Demaskiert in einer neuen Welt


Die EU muss international viel stärker gestalten, nach dem russischen Angriffskrieg mehr denn je. Seine globalen Folgen gefährden auch ihre Existenz.

Daniela Schwarzer
Creation date

Smarte Souveränität

Setzt die neue Bundesregierung außenpolitisch nur auf Kontinuität, fügt sie dem Land schweren Schaden zu. Wie Deutschland trotz weniger Macht mehr erreichen kann.

Christian Mölling
Daniela Schwarzer
Creation date

Europas geopolitischer Moment

Unter hohem Druck sucht die EU ihre Rolle in einer Welt des Großmächtewettbewerbs. Überkommene Mechanismen blockieren ihr herausragendes Potenzial. Elemente einer Strategie.

Daniela Schwarzer
Creation date

Five Points to Make the EU Stronger

Leading Europe out of its current COVID-19 induced crisis will be a monumental task for the German EU Council presidency. Economic stabilization must go hand-in-hand with transformation.

Daniela Schwarzer
Creation date

Daniela Schwarzer
