Kenny Kremer was an assistant in the France Program of DGAP‘s Alfred von Oppenheim Center for the Future of Europe from July 2022 to July 2023. Previously, he gained experience in the French National Assembly through various assignments in the European and Economic Affairs Committees as well as in the General Secretariat of the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly. He spent most of his studies in France, initially in the Franco-German program of the Institut d'études politiques (IEP) Lille and the University of Münster. He also completed a traineeship in the EU Delegation in Jordan as part of his master's degree in international security studies at the IEP Paris.


[Last updated: July 2023]


Neues Fundament für die deutsch-französische Freundschaft

Am 22. Januar 1963 unterzeichneten Frankreich und Deutschland im Élysée-Palast einen Partnerschaftsvertrag, auf dessen Grundlage über Jahrzehnte eine geeinte EU entstand. Doch nun ist dieses Fundament dringend erneuerungsbedürftig.

Jacob Ross
Kenny Kremer
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Kenny Kremer
