Areas of Expertise

  • German and European defense policy, NATO
  • Germany’s armed forces
  • Security policy and technology
  • Internal-external security nexus


German, English, Spanish

Stefan Scheller is an associate fellow in DGAP’s Security and Defense Program. As a reserve officer of the Bundeswehr, Germany’s federal armed forces, he gained experience during regular trainings in various military units and the German Ministry of Defence.

Scheller currently works for the Hessian State Chancellery. Previously, he worked in the German Bundestag for the Representative of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Parliamentary Oversight Panel, which is responsible for scrutiny of the work of the intelligence services.

Scheller studied international relations, political science, and philosophy in Germany (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Universität Regensburg) and the United States (Columbia University).


Viel Einsatz, wenig Wirkung

Die EU muss im Syrien-Konflikt endlich mehr Einfluss gewinnen

Deutschland leistet diplomatisch und entwicklungspolitisch im Syrien-Konflikt Enormes. Doch wir brauchen eine gesamteuropäische Vorgehensweise, die die machtpolitischen Realitäten erkennt. Denn unser Handlungsspielraum zur Neuinitiierung des politischen Prozesses und Verbesserung der Lage ist sehr begrenzt.

Roderich Kiesewetter
Stefan Scheller
Creation date