Areas of Expertise

  • Latin American politics and political systems
  • Latin American foreign policies
  • US-Latin American relations
  • China-Latin American relations
  • EU-Latin American relations
  • Latin American regional organizations
  • Regional powers

Short Bio

Detlef Nolte has been an associate fellow of DGAP since June 2019 and currently works with its Center for Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, and Technology. He is professor of political science at the University of Hamburg, honorary member of the Instituto de Iberoamérica of the University of Salamanca, and associated researcher of the GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies in Hamburg. He is a member of the scientific advisory board of GRIDALE (Grupo de reflexión sobre integración y desarrollo en América Latina y Europa) and of the academic advisory boards of several journals. He has been visiting professor at the University of Sao Paulo (USP), Catholic University in Santiago de Chile, FLACSO Argentina, and Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires.

Nolte was director of the GIGA Institute of Latin America Studies (ILAS) (2006 to 2018); vice president of the GIGA Institute of Global and Area Studies (2007 to 2016); acting president of the GIGA (2011 to 2014); president of the German Latin American Studies Association (ADLAF) (2010 to 2016); vice president of the European Latin American Studies Association (CEISAL) (2010 to 2016); and member of the International Programme Board of the Latin America Programme, Research Council of Norway (2008 to 2018).

Nolte studied political science, German literature, and history at the University of Mannheim where he later earned his PhD in political science. Nolte completed his habilitation at the University of Hamburg.


German, English, Spanish


[Last updated: 2023]


Detlef Nolte

